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Lectures and workshops

By 11. November 2024No Comments


Lectures and workshops


I give lectures and workshops or present techniques in tutorials at tekom conferences, in tekom regional groups or at company events.
You will find an overview below.
I would also be happy to come to you for topics that you see here or similar topics that are tailored to your needs. Please contact me for your topic:


together with Otto Salzer, S3D

Just an arrow

An arrow symbol is one of the oldest and most universal metaphors in semiotics. The use of an arrow symbol could be correspondingly powerful. Could be? Yes, if we didn’t handle this symbol so carelessly. Hoping for any meaning, we wander through the software manufacturers’ supplied arrow libraries. On the basis of standardised conventions, this partner presentation puts an end to this Babylonian confusion. Once the foundation has been laid, it is time for implementation. Working methods in 3D and 2D are shown using illustrative examples, advantages and disadvantages are discussed and specific recommendations are given.

Lecture “Just an arrow” (pdf) (only in German)

2024-11, tekom conference, Stuttgart, Germany


‘Graphics are important, so it’s great that there’s also a topic about arrows for visualizations.’
‘Super presentation!’

4,4 stars for quality
4,4 stars for speaker
4,3 stars for topic
4,0 stars for freedom of advertising
4,3 stars overall rating

Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)


Graphics according to S1000D, for everyone

The S1000D, with its 3500 pages, seems like an unmanageable monster. After all, just under 100 pages deal directly with technical illustrations. These 100 pages are pleasantly relevant to practice and provide an almost immediately applicable style guide that also includes other industries. For example, with the most specific information on the presentation of objects in illustrations, orientation in 3D space and the use of colour, it helps even the most undecided illustration team on its way. This makes the S1000D ‘International specification for technical publications’ the standard for everyone.

Lecture “Graphics according to S1000D, for everyone” (pdf) (only in German)

2024-11, tekom conference, Stuttgart, Germany


“Super interesting lecture! Thank you.”
“Very specific and interesting lecture. It gave a very good overview of the standard and was inspiring.”
“Very informative. More example graphics, please.”

4,6 stars for quality
4,6 stars for speaker
4,6 stars for topic
4,7 stars for freedom of advertising
4,6 stars overall rating

Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)


ISO and ANSI safety signs, conjured out of a hat

ISO and ANSI safety signs just don’t seem to go together. On the one hand, they are abstract and sometimes trivialising, and on the other hand, they are dramatic, almost pictorial and highly individual. Nevertheless, safety signs have to work practically worldwide, because it is often difficult for the manufacturer and distributor to control where and by whom the products are used. Let’s use the 2022/2023 update of the ANSI Z353 series of standards and the new 2024-05 edition of ISO 3664-3 to amaze our users with functional safety signs, like the magician with the white rabbit out of his hat.

Workshop “ISO and ANSI safety signs, conjured out of a hat” (pdf) (only in German)

2024-11, tekom conference, Stuttgart, Germany


“Super interesting and a lot of knowledge. Thank you very much (:”
“Informative and entertaining at the same time – thank you!”
“Very valuable information. I benefited a lot. It was a bit fast. The time was a bit short for all the information and then the practical exercise.”
“As always, very good!”
“Mr. Jänicke contacted us in advance and dealt with our problems. In the workshop, he showed us how to come up with a solution. It helped me

4,4 stars for quality
4,4 stars for speaker
4,5 stars for topic
4,4 stars for freedom of advertising
4,4 stars overall rating

Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)



Technical illustration, a round trip

For a long time, objects we use have been represented in technical drawings. When it comes to showing only the machine or device, one can rely on 3D CAD data or photos. But if you want to show functional or logical relationships, you have to fall back on technical illustration. This includes planning, data source, realizing the instructive intent with proven conventions, and choosing the publication format.

2023-02, tekom  regional group Rhein-Main, Germany
2023-05, tekom  regional group Nord (Hamburg), Germany


Learning from comics for technical communication

What better place than the Erika Fuchs House in Schwarzbach could there be to consider adapting comics, comic book style, or even just comic book elements in technical communication. Erika Fuchs, ring? To apply a comic-typical inflective or ericative right away. Erika Fuchs was a translator, editor and, above all, a language designer in the German-speaking world of the culture-shaping Disney comics from Mickey Mouse to Scrooge McDuck.
In the workshop, conventions and stylistic devices slowly emerge from the fog of Duckburg, whose adaptation for technical communication we examine together, draw parallels and apply.

Workshop “Learning from comics for technical communication” (pdf)  (unfortunately in German only)

2023-02, tekom regional group Nürnberg, Germany
2023-11, tekom conference, Stuttgart, Germany
2024-03, NORDIC TechKomm, Stockholm, Schweden
2024-05, tekom regional group Bodensee, Germany
2024-05, tekom regional group Nord, Germany


“An entertaining and all-round informative icing on the cake at the end of the 3rd day – and certainly nobody was only there because the train was on strike 😉 Thank you very much!”

4.7 stars for quality
5.0 stars for speaker
4.4 stars for topic
4.7 stars for freedom of advertising
4.7 stars overall rating

Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)



Nudging! What technical communication can learn from behavioural economics

Technical communication wants to inform users about the correct and safe use of products. It does so, objectively and as far as possible legally, but always successfully? With nudging, we can tickle the last percentages out of our behavioural economics and perhaps provide the essential impulse for optimal handling of the described object. Or is it not?

Lecture “Nudging, What technical communication can learn from behavioral economics” (pdf)

2022-11, tekom conference, Germany, Stuttgart
2023-01, tekom regional group Saxony, Germany, Dresden
2023-03, Nordic Techkomm, Sweden, Stockholm
2023-05, tcworld, China, Shanghai
2023-06, soap!, Poland, Krakow (postponed to 2024 due to Corona)


“Super entertaining!”

“Thank you very much! It was excellent!”

“The presentation seemed unprofessional. Missing references, spelling mistakes (e.g. law), text position and size quite random, overabundance of fly-in animations.”

4.8 stars for quality
4.9 stars for speaker
4.8 stars for topic
4.9 stars for freedom of advertising
4.9 stars overall rating

Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)


UML: Making the invisible visible

Complex software for industrial products must be described. Only in this way can the person who rolls out and integrates the software act consciously and make decisions. With the Unified Modeling Language (UML), this can be done efficiently and in an excellently comprehensible way. The lecture gives an overview of the introduction to UML and its practical use.

2022-11, tekom conference, Stuttgart, Germany
2023-10, tekom regional group Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
2024-09, Tecom Schweiz, online
2024-09, Nordic TechKomm, Copenhagen, Denmark


“Nice, humorous style of presentation; don’t forget to breathe ;)”

“Very entertaining and yet substantial”.

4.6 stars for quality
4.4 stars for speaker
4.0 stars for topic
4.2 stars for freedom of advertising
4.3 stars overall rating

Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)


Exploded views in industrial practice

They look light, the heavy parts in exploded views. As if strung on an imaginary string, they provide an insight into the inside of machines, allow relationships to be recognised or simply allow spare parts to be selected. It does not have to be difficult to create such exploded views. The tutorial shows how to use Lattice XVL Studio 3D and Corel DESIGNER to create this classic technical illustration.

2022-11, tekom conference, Germany, Stuttgart


4.8 stars for quality
5.0 stars for speaker
5.0 stars for topic
3.7 stars for freedom of advertising
4.6 stars overall rating

Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)



Vector based digital mock up for people representation in technical illustrations

Technical illustrations are becoming more and more efficient. Views are quickly generated with the 3D CAD model. But what is to be done when interactions between man and machine make it necessary to represent that very user? Don’t take a step back with photos or videos. Take a step forward with me to a vector-based digital mockup for humans in your illustrations.

Lecture “Vector based digital mock up for human representation in technical illustrations” (pdf)

2021-11, tekom conference virtual, Germany
2022-03, Nordic Techkomm, Sweden, Stockholm
2023-05, SLI Info day, Germany, Dinkelsbühl


“Super, very practical and entertaining. My input: if a little more time had been available, a short demo on how to adjust such 3D models in the software would have been desirable. Thank you very much for this lecture.”

“Interesting, understandable, entertaining. Thank you!”

“Very interesting lecture, with great illustration. It had everything in it. From hands to people to colors. Just perfect! Thank you!”

4,7 stars for quality
4,7 stars for speakers
4,8 stars for theme
4.7 stars for freedom of advertising
4.7 stars overall rating
Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)



With Full Force: 3D data, meta data, “intelligent” 2D illustration

The tutorial shows a complete workflow of 3D CAD data with its metadata, the transfer and preparation in 3D and 2D and the linking between source and publication. In the tutorial we will work with the XVL Studio 3D 2020 and the Corel DESIGNER 2020, independent from the manufacturer. We will also look at the distinction between 3D and 2D, or do we not need 2D at all?

20200-11, tekom virtual conference, Germany


“Thanks for the very interesting lecture. We will examine how we can design the process of metadata transfer in our company …”

“Very informative and practice oriented.”

4,5 stars for quality
5,0 stars for speakers
5.0 stars for theme
4.5 stars for freedom of advertising
4.8 stars overall rating
Average participant rating (5 stars = very good … 1 star = very bad)



Conventions in technical illustrations

Modern tools in technical illustration challenge us to make the impossible possible; perspectives that the user can never take in, views that are only possible after complete disassembly, spontaneous enlargements that the user can hardly follow, and much more. However, with knowledge of the expectations and needs of the viewer, technical illustrations can be created that can be grasped quickly and safely. The key lies in following the conventions of visual communication.

Vortrag “Konventionen in der Technischen Illustrationen” (pdf) (only available in German)

2019-11, tekom conference in Stuttgart, Germany
2020-02, tekom regional group in Jena, Germany
2020-12, SL-Infoday of the company SL INNOVATIV in Dinkelsbühl, Germany
2021-02, tekom regional group Saxony (online), Germany
2021-03, tekom regional group Nordrhein (online), Germany


“With 20 years of experience, I also learned something, thanks!”

“Very nice, now I see clearly, thank you!”

“Thank you very much for the detailed lecture”

“The sources should have been clearly indicated!”

Audience that judged ... competent or very competent.


Audience that judged ... sovereign or very sovereign.


Audience that judged ... expectations fulfilled or completely fulfilled.


Audience that judged ... recommendable or very recommendable.



Sketchnotes for everybody

Sketchnotes are nothing new for a long time and have always been nothing more than a way to better internalize what is heard through visualization. Live graphic recording with sketchnotes, as at the tekom conference 2018, impresses many, but is rather demotivating because of its apparent perfection. In the workshop, on the other hand, we lay the fundamentals for our own sketchnotes and practice working methods together. This happens far away from wow effects, but is suitable for anyone interested sketchnotes as a work train for more concentration when listening and better effects when memorizing to convey.

2019-11, tekom conference in Stuttgart, Germany


“Nice, relaxed workshop. Personally, I found Mr. Jänicke quite sexy. He has unfortunately a wedding ring on, perhaps also for protection. ;)“

“Very humorously held. The time flew by.“

“Great workshop, confidently and humorously presented. Good exercises, especially the self-portraits on the red thread were great. I think the idea of creating your own library with Sketch Notes is great. I now see the “professional” Sketch Notes more critically: other people’s drawings are almost impossible to understand, it’s really more of a tool for yourself.“

Audience that judged ... competent or very competent.


Audience that judged ... sovereign or very sovereign.


Audience that judged ... expectations fulfilled or completely fulfilled.


Audience that judged ... recommendable or very recommendable.




10 steps to the introduction of an editorial system in small editorial offices

Small editorial offices, with few or only one editor, can also benefit from the undisputed advantages of an editorial system. Since up to now everything was practically in one hand, even a system introduction must be subordinated to these circumstances. Now concepts for modularization, structure and metadata must be developed in parallel, content revisions and corrections of terminology must be implemented and many other points must be considered. And all this must be done when experience with the editorial system is at its lowest. With the presented 10 steps, the CMS introduction is successful even in small editorial offices.

Lecture Article “10 steps … to the CMS …” (pdf) (only in German)

more details …

2018-10, SL-Infoday of the company SL INNOVATIV in Dinkelsbühl, Germany
2018-11, tekom conference in Stuttgart, Germany


“Please, please, please give the man more time, he really has something to say! The lecture is really good.”

“More lectures with so much input please!”

“Very good and entertaining lecture, but unfortunately the time was not kept. But details are better than generalizations.”

“Very packed. Listeners without any previous knowledge will be slain, but a good checklist to read up on.”

“Very comprehensive, material for workshops and several lectures! … Top!”

“Entertaining, diverting lecture … very well packed!”



Audience that judged ... competent or very competent.


Audience that judged ... sovereign or very sovereign.


Audience that judged ... expectations fulfilled or completely fulfilled.


Audience that judged ... recommendable or very recommendable.




Hot symbols ice cold dissected.
The ISO 7000 and 7010 on the illustrator’s dissecting table

Some of the currently used symbols seem to have come about by chance and probably are. If the symbols of ISO 7000 and 7010 are decomposed according to these design rules, the internal systematics are recognized and can be used for your own newly created symbols. The workshop finds its way via analysis, design and implementation in the graphic tool to the goal of the new symbol or safety sign.

2017-10, tekom conference in Stuttgart, Germany
2018-01, tekom regional group in Munich, Germany


“Congratulations on your presentation “Hot symbols ice cold cut up” at the tekom conference.
I would also like to thank you for the good advice on our symbols and pictograms. It was really fun and I was able to learn a lot …”

“The workshop was very informative and also inspired me to revise our symbols in the near future. … Thanks again for the very good workshop …”

“The workshop was not only very interesting but also really entertaining and amusing.

“Very good.”

“A lot of information in too little time…”

“Great, thank you very much!”

“Very good.”

Audience that judged ... competent or very competent.


Audience that judged ... sovereign or very sovereign.


Audience that judged ... expectations fulfilled or completely fulfilled.


Audience that judged ... recommendable or very recommendable.




You create individual security signs!
Are these also reliably recognized?

The ISO 7010 provide us some safety signs. Depending on the application, however, these are often either too general, too specific or not available for the specific situation. In order to warn the user as precisely as possible, it is therefore necessary to create safety signs based on ISO 3864 yourself. ISO 9186 gives us clarity as to whether these safety signs are recognized with sufficient accuracy, with test methods for comprehensibility and visual quality. The lecture presents the standards-based creation process for safety marks and the test methods in a practical way.

Lecture “Symbols test methods” (pdf) (only in German)

more details …

2016-11, tekom conference in Stuttgart, Germany
2016-12, tekom regional group in Nuremberg, Germany
2017-03, tekom regional group in Dresden, Germany
2017-04, tekom regional group in Karlsruhe, Germany
2017-05, SL info. day of the company SL INNOVATIV in Dinkelsbühl, Germany
2018-04, COMTecnica in Bologna, Italy (presented in English)

Audience that judged ... competent or very competent.


Audience that judged ... sovereign or very sovereign.


Audience that judged ... expectations fulfilled or completely fulfilled.


Audience that judged ... recommendable or very recommendable.




Cascading style sheets also for technical illustration … fully graphical

Cascading Style Sheets is the technique to intelligently separate presentation from content and is mainly used for text-based content. This procedure was practically unusual in technical illustration. But it is possible without the dramatic code itself to create such step-by-step design templates fully graphically and intuitively and to use them to improve efficiency and quality. The tutorial shows the potential of this approach with the new Corel DESIGNER X7.

Cascading Style Sheets auch für die Technische Illustration (pdf) (only in German)

more details …

2015-11, tekom conference in Stuttgart, Germany


“… rousing lecture …”

4.55 points
Average participant rating (1 point = bad …. 6 points = very good)


„Screenshots“ of machine controls

After the technical illustrators had freed themselves from the shackles of design and even took the 3D CAD data into their own hands, the dependency on the developers of the machine and plant controls is unbroken. It can still be very costly to extract screenshots of controls in defined states, in good quality from the development environment. Despite objective limitations, “screenshots” can still be efficiently generated in alternative ways and can also be kept within standardized translation processes.

„Screenshots“ of machine controls (pdf)

more details …

2015-11, tekom conference in Stuttgart, Germany


4.55 point
Average participant rating (1 point = bad …. 6 points = very good):


2D vector illustration in technical documentation

Objects that we use have long been depicted for instruction. As long as only the machine or device is to be shown, the technical editors can possibly sit back and rely on 3D CAD data or photos. However, if one wants to show functional or logical coherence, the digital pencil must be pulled and an arrow drawn, where the viewer can see who or what is to move on which way and where. This is the starting point for the flight over the 2D vector illustration in this workshop.

2015-10, tekom regional group in Dresden, Germany


Tutorial, together with Otto Salzer from S3D

Continuity of change, adopting 3D CAD data

The tutorial compares the working methods of Right Hemisphere Deep Exploration and Lattice XVL Studio 3D. The different approaches to the presentation of 3D models and their significance for the work of the technical illustrator are considered. Step by step, typical technical illustration processes are then compared using 3D CAD data. These are import, model analysis, model views, transformation and explosion as well as generation of vector data.

2013-11, tekom conference in Wiesbaden, Germany


“Very good!”

4.59 points
Average participant rating (1 point = bad … 6 points = very good)


Content management systems – introduction, experiences and tips

The decision for an content management system has been made, the sales department of an editorial system manufacturer has done a great job. Editors and managers of a software were able to convince their managers. In short: Will, budget and hopefully also personnel resources are available to introduce an content management system in the company. However: Often consultants are only now called in to implement the set goals in practice. Some essential questions should have been considered much earlier. From the perspective of a long-time consultant and trainer for the XML content management system bloXedia from pgx, the presentation shows determining basics and experiences from content management system implementations in different medium-sized companies.

2013-11, tekom regional group in Leipzig, Germany



Up-to-date ways in the service provider-customer relationship

Many in the industry are still familiar with this: a service provider receives an order to create an operating manual, creates it, prints it out and delivers it. But the world of documentation has not stood still. Mixed teams of internal and external service providers work together in central databases. But the efficiency and flexibility thus gained raises new questions about billing, liability, payment security and contract law. The presentation will give an overview of ACTUAL and TARGET possibilities of current service provider-customer relationships.

2011-11, tekom conference in Wiesbaden, Germany


2.48 points
Average participant evaluation (1 point = very good … 7 points = very bad)


World of Icons in aktion

Icons, symbols, pictograms – graphically abstracted information is encountered in all situations in life. In technical communication, we ourselves like to use them frequently. In the workshop, two development stages of the user interface of a heavy load transporter are analyzed together, alternatives are searched for and the presentation is revised. ISO 7000, EN 80416 and the implementation in illustration tools are considered.

more details …

2011-11, tekom conference in Wiesbaden, Germany


2,20 points
Average participant evaluation (1 point = very good … 7 points = very bad)



World of Icons

Icons, Symbole, Piktogramme – graphisch abstrahierte Informationen begegnen uns in allen Lebenslagen. In der Technischen Kommunikation setzen wir diese selbst gern und häufig ein. Aber nicht immer bietet das zwar umfangreich genormte Fachgebiet ein Symbol für den sofortigen Einsatz, ist auf dem Stand der Zeit, oder wird von den Anwendern mit seiner beabsichtigten Information erkannt. Der Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über parktisch anwendbare Informationen aus nationalen und internationalen Normen zu Zusammenstellungen von Symbolen und vor allen Dingen zu deren systematischen und normenbasierten Erweiterung.

more details …

2010-11, tekom conference in Wiesbaden, Germany
2011-05, tekom regional group in Dresden, Germany
2011-12, tekom regional group in Munich, Germany


6.4 points
Average participant evaluation (7 points = very good … 1 point = very bad)

Tutorial, together with Otto Salzer from S3D

Best practice from 3D to 2D in technical illustration

The workshop shows the data workflow starting with the CAD format, the conversion into a 3D viewing format and the final 2D illustration format by means of a team presentation. It will be shown which tasks are better performed in 3D and which in 2D. The typical work steps and possible stumbling blocks are shown and discussed in detail. In addition, it is explained how to deal with changes (new versions) of the CAD source data. The workshop is product-neutral. Since it is not a theoretical lecture, the working methods will be demonstrated using Right Hemisphere Deep Exploration and the Corel Designer Suite.

2010-11, tekom conference in Wiesbaden, Germany


6.12 points
Average participant evaluation (7 points = very good … 1 point = very bad)


Werkzeuge von Corel in der Technischen Illustration


2010-09 tekom-Regionalgruppe in Köln, Deutschland



You have structured texts! And your graphics?

Texts are analyzed, structured, modularized, the language to these texts is controlled and templates for new terms are created. Undoubtedly a justified and beneficial effort. But why are these principles so rarely applied to technical illustrations? The lecture shows how to use standard 2D illustration software to reference properties of drawing objects, and how to work with layers, groups and external references in CAD style. In other words, the approach is to separate content from illustration and to modularize and structure the content.

more details …

2008-11, tekom conference in Wiesbaden, Germany
2009-10, tfk-Technologietag at the Hochschule für Telekommunikation in Leipzig, Germany
2010-08, tekom regional group in Berlin, Germany
2010-09, tekom regional group in Hamburg, Germany
2011-06, tekom regional group in Nürnberg, Germany


2666 points from 4585 points
Average participant evaluation (4585 points = very good … 0 points = very bad)



CorelDRAW in the technical illustration

Although CorelDraw is not designed as a tool for technical illustration, it has nevertheless gained a strong position in the industry. Now, as always with software with a very wide range of applications, it is a large range of functions, only a part of which should be used for the relevant application. In the workshop, various scenarios of technical illustration will be presented and graphics with problem definitions of the participants will be analyzed. The benchmark for each action is the triangle of speed – sustainability – data volume.

2007-11, tekom-Tagung in Wiesbaden, Germany
2010-09, tekom-Regionalgruppe in Köln, Germany


„Many suggestions. More time would be nice. Thanks!“

2.24 points
Average participant evaluation (1 point = very good … 6 points = very bad)


Foundation of a technical documentation office

On the basis of 10 years of freelance work, the foundation of a technical documentation office is shown in individual practical steps. We will not go into the generalities of setting up a business in “post-I-AG times”, but will focus on examples of a typical editorial day, starting with finance and contract design, systematic acquisition and pricing, and ending with database-supported order processing.

2007-11, tekom-Tagung in Wiesbaden, Germany


„Too much content for the limited time available.“ 

2.16 points
Average participant evaluation (1 point = very good … 6 points = very bad)



Graphical terminology for machine description

The Machinery Directive and ISO 12100-2 require a “precise technical description of the machine …”. This description means a lot of effort in creation, maintenance and translation. To minimize this effort, a graphical terminology has been developed which allows the structure and function of the machine to be depicted in any language. Examples are used to illustrate the development and use of the machine and compared with the description in text form.

more details …

2006-11, tekom-Tagung in Wiesbaden, Germany


„… sympathetically performed …“

„… a different point of view, thank you for the suggestion …“

„… very informative and well structured …“

„… speaker still has a future …“

2.6 points
Average participant evaluation (1 point = very good … 6 points = very bad)



Technical illustration based on 3D design data

2005-03, tekom-Regionalgruppe in Dresden, Germany
2005-05, tekom-Regionalgruppe in Jena, Germany



Creating technical documentation effectively and using it as an opportunity

1999-11, IHK (Industrie- und Handelskammer) in Leipzig, Germany